01235 426258 or 01865 957164

01235 426258 or 01865 957164

01235 426258 or 01865 957164


Ultra Matress Cleaning in Oxfordshire

Mattresses can be manufactured using may types of stitching and fabrics, stitch bond, damask, knits and specials to name a few. When you snuggle into your bed at night, you’re sleeping on more than a comfy mattress. We’re talking sweat, dust mites and allergens all sharing the bed with you. To get your mattress really clean our fully trained mattress cleaning experts, who are fully insured will carefully analyse the type of fabric and stitching to achieve a deep, thorough, hygienic clean every time.

If your mattress is not regularly cleaned by trained mattress cleaning experts it can be quickly ruined with permanent stains, show their wear and continue to breed bed bugs, and dust mite.

Your mattress will not only get that fresh smell, soft feel and clean look you’d expect from a professional mattress clean, but will also receive a new deep cleaning process that ensures your mattress:

Last much longer

Gets rid of bug beds and dust mite

Filter harmful air pollutants

Rids your mattress of allergy-inflaming proteins

Once your mattresses have been cleaned why not apply our Ultra Stain Protection or Ultra Mattress Protection for added protection.

Our Step by Step Hot Water Extraction Cleaning System

Hot water extraction is commonly known as steam cleaning which is a method whereby a formulated cleaning solution is injected deep within the upholstery fibres and then extracted removing deep down dirt.

Step 1 - High Powered Pre-Vacuuming including Edge and Crevice

5 times more powerful than a standard home vacuum cleaner!


Our expert will use a specialised high-power vacuum cleaner to remove years of built up dust, grime , soil and dirt trapped in inaccessible areas such as tight crevices and carpet edges using our edge and crevice tools, reaching areas that a standard home vacuum cleaner just cannot reach

Step 2 - Pre-Inspection

Our expert will inspect your carpets for the fibre type, construction, dye techniques, backing, installation, and cushion as well as any heavy areas of soiling or staining and excessive wear and tear.

Step 3 - Pre-Spray

Our expert will apply an advanced formula pre-spray cleaning solution with high cleaning power but mild pH. This is then allowed to penetrate to the base of the carpet to detach any grease or oils adhered to the carpet fibres ready for extraction.

Step 4 - Spot & Stain Treatment

Our expert will inspect your carpets for any residual spots or stains. Any spots or stains will get extra treatment with our many specialty spotting solutions.

Step 5 - Agitation

Our expert will gently work the advanced formula pre-spray cleaning solution into the carpet fibres ensuring as much of the dirt possible is released in order to be removed. At the same time, any remaining soil and dust is transferred to the cleaning solution. 

We achieve this using a specially designed agitating machine or a carpet brush depending upon the degree of soiling

Step 6 - Rinse Extract

Our expert will rinse the floor area using a powerful hot water extraction machine. This works by first injecting an effective extraction cleaner and deodoriser into the carpet at high pressure. This dislodges any remaining soil from the base of the carpet while killing any germs that reside on the fibres. Our high powered twin vacuum motors also extract the dirty solution into the waste tank leaving your carpets as dry as possible.

Step 7 - Post Cleaning Inspection

Our expert will walk through and inspect the cleaning results. If you are available he will ensure you are delighted with the service.

Step 8 - Groom

Our expert will use a special carpet rake to rake your carpet fibres back into line using a process called Pile Alignment. As well as ensuring the best visual finish pile alignment also aids drying time.

Here are some mattress care tips to help keep your mattress great:

Rotate your mattress often and flip it every month to maintain comfort.

Give it good support. Be sure to use a sturdy, high-quality bed frame. If it’s a queen or king size bed, make sure your frame has the strong centre support that will prevent the mattress from bowing or breakage.

Let it breathe. If you detect any odour, leave the mattress uncovered and well ventilated for a few hours. A breath of fresh air should do the trick!

Don’t dry clean. The chemicals in dry cleaning agents/spot removers may be harmful to the fabric or underlying materials. Professional cleaning is the only recommended cleaning method. But if you’re determined to tackle a stain, use mild soap with cold water and apply lightly. Do not ever soak a mattress or foundation.

Follow manufacturer’s instructions. Again, be sure to follow any specific guidelines from your manufacturer for the best method of mattress care.

Ultra Mattress Protection

Ultra Mattress protection

Ultra Mattress Protection has the ability to kill dust mites on contact and deposits a long lasting layer that prevents them feeding or breeding - killing 99.9% over a 7-day period. Any dust mites who have penetrated the mattress, are destroyed when they come to the surface to feed on dead skin cells or mite faeces. Ultra mattress protection provides long lasting protection against asthma, eczema, hay fever, sinusitis, mould, fungi, bacteria and their resulting malodors.

Ultra Allergy Protection

Ultra Allergy Protection will kill any existing dust mite infestation as well as leaving a permanent barrier against further procreation. Ultra allergy protection is a safe and highly durable dust mite protection for all home and commercial textiles. By destroying the dust mite food chain. Ultra allergy protection removes the major cause of allergies such as asthma, eczema, sinusitis, hay fever etc.


Whilst every effort is made to remove all dirt and stains from fabrics and carpets, however it is not always possible to do so due to some unknown or pre-treated stains. Therefore Ultra Carpet & Upholstery Cleaning Services cannot be held responsible should some dirt and stains not be removed completely. 

Wear, Sun damage or dis-colouring of fabric may become more visible after cleaning. 

Triggering any alarm systems. Customers should provide instructions for deactivation/activation of any alarm systems.

Your Carpets and Upholstery will feel softer, smell fresher and you will appreciate a healthier result for you and your family.

Contact us today for a FREE no obligation quote!

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