01235 426258 or 01865 957164

01235 426258 or 01865 957164

01235 426258 or 01865 957164


Ultra Protection

Once you’ve had your carpets and upholstery cleaned by our fully trained carpet and upholstery cleaning experts, who are fully insured, why not treat your carpets and upholstery to extra protection from spillages and allergies by applying ultra stain protection, ultra allergy protection or ultra mattress protection

Your carpets and upholstery will not only get that fresh smell, soft feel and clean look you’d expect from a professional carpet clean, but will also receive added protection that ensures your carpets and upholstery:

Are Protected from allergy-inflaming proteins

Are protected from household soils and spills

Are protected from wear and tear to help your carpets and upholstery last longer

Stain Protection

Ultra Stain Protection is a highly advanced formula designed for application to your carpets and upholstery. It works by locking onto fibres to create an invisible, durable shield providing superb resistance to oil and water based spills. This means stains caused by normal household spills can be easily removed by simple methods even when dried in. The action of ultra stain protection also means that dirt particles do not adhere to fibres as easily, making cleaning easier and reducing fibre wear due to soil abrasion.

Allergy Protection

Ultra Allergy Protection will kill any existing dust mite infestation as well as leaving a permanent barrier against further procreation. Ultra allergy protection is a safe and highly durable dust mite protection for all home and commercial textiles. By destroying the dust mite food chain. Ultra allergy protection removes the major cause of allergies such as asthma, eczema, sinusitis, hay fever etc.

Matress Protection

Ultra Mattress Protection has the ability to kill dust mites on contact and deposits a long lasting layer that prevents them feeding or breeding - killing 99.9% over a 7-day period. Any dust mites who have penetrated the mattress, are destroyed when they come to the surface to feed on dead skin cells or mite faeces. Ultra mattress protection provides long lasting protection against asthma, eczema, hay fever, sinusitis, mould, fungi, bacteria and their resulting malodors.

Your Carpets and Upholstery will feel softer, smell fresher and you will appreciate a healthier result for you and your family.

Contact us today for a FREE no obligation quote!


Carpet & Upholstery

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